The COVID Purity Test

Check the box of each activity you have engaged in during COVID-19, even if socially distanced. Riskier activities are weighted higher.

  1. Opening the mail
  2. Getting restaurant takeout
  3. Pumping gasoline
  4. Playing tennis
  5. Going camping
  6. Grocery shopping
  7. Going for a walk, run, or bike ride with others
  8. Playing golf
  9. Staying at a hotel for two nights
  10. Sitting in a doctor's waiting room
  11. Going to a library or museum
  12. Eating in a restaurant (outside)
  13. Walking in a busy downtown
  14. Spending an hour at a playground
  15. Having dinner at someone else's house
  16. Attending a backyard barbecue
  17. Going to a beach
  18. Shopping at a mall
  19. Sending kids to school, camp, or day care
  20. Working a week in an office building
  21. Swimming in a public pool
  22. Visiting an elderly relative or friend in their home
  23. Going to a hair salon or barbership
  24. Eating in a restaurant (inside)
  25. Attending a wedding or funeral
  26. Traveling by plane
  27. Playing basketball
  28. Playing football
  29. Hugging or shaking hands when greeting a friend
  30. Eating at a buffet
  31. Working out at a gym
  32. Going to an amusement park
  33. Going to a movie theater
  34. Attending a large music concert
  35. Going to a sports stadium
  36. Attending a religious event with 500 worshippers
  37. Going to a bar

Remember to distance!


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